EPT London Main Event: Liu-sing control?

EPT London Main Event: Liu-sing control?

Sunday, 5 October 2008

Horecki wins a huge pot after checking top pair to the chip leader twice.

Marcin Horecki decided to play his KT a little cute on a Ks-8h-7d flop, which ended up paying dividends. When the turn came Qh, Horecki check-raised Liu's bet on the turn meaning Liu would have to call an additional 750,000 to see the river card.
After a dwell, the young Cardrunners instructor made the call with Ah-Th to show a big draw to the nut flush, as well as a gutshot straight draw. The Pole faded the outs on the river to seize the chip lead (2,157,000) while Eric Liu is now on 2,000,000.

Tags: Poker News, EPT, London, Main, Event:, Liu-sing, control?