Yang’s life story for free

Yang’s life story for free

Thursday, 18 July 2013

Jerry Yang once had the poker world at his feet but now it seems he can’t give his story away.

Having spent time in a refugee camp as a child before fleeing to America, Yang was the embodiment of the ‘American Dream’ when he won the WSOP main event back in 2007.

After bumbling his way through the masses he eventually bested Tuan Lam heads-up to claim the $8,250,000 top prize as well as the envy of the entire poker community.

However, years of obscurity followed as Yang couldn’t recapture the form that saw him go deep in the main event and in recent years he’s been largely absent from the poker scene.

Indeed, such has been his demise that his 2011 book, All In: From Refugee Camp To Poker Champ, has been relisted on Amazon without a price tag. Currently available in digital format for free, it seems that Yang is now just another forgotten memory lost in the history of poker.

Tags: Jerry Yang, WSOP, Tuan Lam, All In: From Refugee Camp To Poker Champ