Westernmania III announced

Westernmania III announced

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

The Western Club in Acton is once again serving up some great value with the third incarnation of its Westernmania event. After failing to meet the £250,000 guarantee in Westernmania I then smashing the £30,000 it offered in its second event the London venue has opted for something in the middle next time round.

A prize pool of £60,000 is guaranteed in September's event with the winner walking away with a score of at least £25,000.

The buy in is £175 + £50 add on (+£3 reg fee & Opt £10 Dealer Bonus). Players will start 40,000 chips with a 30 minute clock and blinds starting at 50/100.

There's plenty of choice for day one action with no fewer that four opening flights.

Day 1A - Thursday Sept 5th 8PM
Day 1B - Friday Sept 6th 8PM
Day 1C - Saturday Sept 7th 2PM
Day 1D - Saturday Sept 7th 8PM
Day 2 - Sunday Sept 8th 4PM

There will be plenty of opportunities to qualify for Westernmania III both in the club and online with Full Tilt hosting satellites every Monday evening. One £188 seat is guaranteed in the $10 rebuy that starts at 10pm.

“We have had fantastic feedback from the initial Westernmania and Westernmania II,” read a statement from the club. “Even though we didn't make the numbers for the first guarantee we were very pleased to SMASH the guarantee for WM2 and again the number of new members and returning members that did play and enjoyed our largest ever competition was excellent.”

More information is available on the Western Club's Facebook page.

Tags: Western Club, Westernmania III, London, live poker