John Dolan eliminated in 6th ($1,772,959)

John Dolan eliminated in 6th ($1,772,959)

Sunday, 7 November 2010

The action folded around to short-stacked John Dolan in the small blind and he moved all-in for XX. Jonathan Duhamel quickly called in the big blind and tabled 4-4, racing against the speculative Q-5 of Dolan.

The flop came J-7-6 with three hearts, but neither player held a potential flush in the making. A nine on the turn provided some chop opportunities but a blank airball on the river sent John Dolan to the rail in sixth place.

He'll take home $1,772,959 for his sixth place finish and his chips go to Jonathan Duhamel who goes back above the 50,000,000 mark but still trails Michael Mizrachi and Joseph Cheong who each have over 60,000,000.

With just five players left now we're only three eliminations away from finding a heads-up battle and returning on Monday.

Tags: Poker News, John, Dolan, eliminated, in, 6th, ($1, 772, 959)