Viktor Blom wins three in a row to top 500,000

Viktor Blom wins three in a row to top 500,000

Saturday, 25 September 2010

We can officially say that, Isildur1 or not (he is), Viktor Blom is a sick, sick individual. Today we’ve seen him overbet five rivers, receiving four folds (he showed a bluff three times) and one call (he had it). Railing his table for just eight minutes, Matt Perry saw him take down three pots in a row:

I found him at Freddy Deeb's table with his monstrous 420,000 stack in a veritable citadel of chips on the felt before him. I arrived as he was betting the turn of a raggedy, rainbow 9-high board – about 12,000 into 16,200 give or take. His opponent to his right (fellow Swede Magnus Persson as it happens) called and then checked the equally raggy board-pairing river. Blom bet 59,000 into the 33,000ish pot and his opponent insta-called, mucking when shown A-A.

The very next hand, Persson raised from under the gun to 2,800 and Blom made it 7,200 to go. It folded back to the first Swede who called. The action went check/check on the 5c-3c-8c board before Persson check/folded to a 10,000 bet on the Jh turn.

Hand number three with Blom under the gun this time. He raised to 2,700 and got a call from an impressively moustachioed American gentleman, who indicated to Blom that “I have a little pile”. Too much information, mate. His ‘little pile’ was about 38,000 as it happens and he preserved it by folding to a 4,600 bet on the queen-high board.

Three hands, three pots. Viktor Blom is the absolute nuts today and has more than 500,000 if we have it right going into the dinner break.

Tags: Poker News, Viktor, Blom, wins, three, in, a, row, to, top, 500, 000