Nicolas Levi doubles through Roland de Wolfe

Nicolas Levi doubles through Roland de Wolfe

Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Nicolas Levi is one of the shorter stacks at the World Series of Poker Europe final table - or at least he was before doubling up at the expense of UK pro and WPT/EPT/WSOP champion Roland de Wolfe.

Levi moved all-in over a pre-flop raise and Roland de Wolfe was the caller. He made the call quickly with As-Kh and was up against Ts-Td for a classic coinflip. The flop was Qd-9h-4s-8h-8d and Levi doubled through de Wolfe to give him more than 700,000 in chips whereas de Wolfe is knocked down to around a million.
The very next hand, Marc Inizan moved in before the flop but only picked up the blinds and antes - at the 12,000/24,000/3,000 level that's a not insignificant 63,000.
They're really going for it here at the WSOPE final table.

Tags: Poker News, Nicolas, Levi, doubles, through, Roland, de, Wolfe