Jason Mercier hits the rail; Chris Moorman makes a comeback.

Jason Mercier hits the rail; Chris Moorman makes a comeback.

Saturday, 25 September 2010

Since our last update we’ve managed to have even more players hit the rail including tournament dominator Jason Mercier, who won’t be bettering his fourth-place finish in this event last year. He held K-Q on a K-Q-J board but Arnaud Mattern flipped A-T and Mercier’s former stack increased his own to 140,000.

Paul Zimbler was another who left the building, his Ad-9d getting in against A-T on a Ax-Xd-Xd board and failing to hit the flush. Jon Tabatabai will have to wait to try and better his 2007 second place WSOPE finish after Nicolas Levi called his 3-bet with J-J and hit a J-3-3 flop against Tabatabai’s K-K. Levi is approaching the 200,000 chip milestone and challenging James Mitchell for the chip lead now.

Speaking of British players who rock the socks off poker tournaments, Chris “Moorman1” Moorman has doubled up his below-average stack to almost 80,000. He 5-bet shoved Q-Q and was more than happy to see Jim Collopy call with J-J. The board ran blank and Moorman has a fighting stack now while the Heads-Up High Roller finalist drops to barely five figures.

Patrik Antonius is hanging in there on around 14,500 but that’s a massive improvement from the last time we saw him when his stack consisted of about five chips; it was three times less than his current total.

Tags: Poker News, Jason, Mercier, hits, the, rail;, Chris, Moorman, makes, a, comeback.