Questions, questions, questions…

Questions, questions, questions…

Thursday, 1 October 2009

... many of these surround our final table here tonight. Such as, why is Praz Bansi wearing Ethel Austin clothing, and why does the dealer have a metal peg attached to his neck??

Maybe none of these quizzical meanderings will be answered this evening, but to be honest, who cares?

What we are witnessing this evening is a very civil, possibly very British affair, interrupted only when Praz Bansi wins a hand and ‘some people’ go a bit mental (for seconds). A fair following for a man who remains the only British interest on this (purple) final table.

There is also a mountain of money behind the players here tonight, serving as a reminder (the red stripe) that the ink certainly needs replacing on the printer. In fact, action is so slow at the moment that talk shifts (in the upper reaches of this less than vast theatre) to the lower reaches of known English football, that being Chester (where I was born), and the largely dismissed knowledge of their administration towards the end of last year. Such is conversation, and all of it worthwhile, I might add.
Anyway, noticing there might be a succession of “Johnny 5s” behind the dealer… we move on.

Negreanu… with 9s goes in against 7s, and wins against Jason “pyjamas” Mercier, knocking him out in 4th place. They really were pyjamas as well.

Another question that springs to mind is whether Praz Bansi has his hair cut with his hat on? “just get what you can” he says, which according to his fringe… isn’t much. Not to distract from his image, which appears to be “whatever hair I have, let’s hide it under this cap”. In any case, both him and Daniel of Canadia are looking good for the crown.
By way of atmosphere, some woman gave me her Vodka Red Bull, which although was nice, contained the majority of her hair, which I’ve been slowly removing from my teeth (I know) every 5 minutes. Not the nicest thought to leave you with, but needing relief of the kind only ceramic bowls can provide, I must cut short the innumerable wanderings of my fastidious mind, and take my leave. Oh fuck – all in, wait there… Praz wins – people cheer – a well thought out hand, and surely, even now, he can think outside of Ethel Austin for top half clothing regalia… Je suis un fis unique…

Jaques x x x x

Tags: Poker News, Questions, , questions, , questions…