Dinner break is over and some interesting updates to report on

Dinner break is over and some interesting updates to report on

Sunday, 20 September 2009

34 remain at the break as players start to close in on chip leader Kelly.
Shortly after the last update John Juanda busted out after his pocket tens ran into the pocket queens of Tim Blake. No help from the board and Juanda was walking, much to the dismay of the on-looking crowd.

Chris Ferguson continues to wade his way through the field but has been bleeding chips. Some late action before the break saw him move just above the chip average to 57,000.

Some chip counts:

Table 2

JP Kelly -- 125,000
Ian Frazer -- 40,000
C Hearn -- 22,000
Swee Chai -- 80,000
Sylvain Perrin -- 33,000
Oskar Silow -- 26,000
Martin Green -- 23,000
Neil Suarez -- 67,000

Table 3

Anthony Roux: 35,000
Stephane Reusser: 20,000
Thor Drexel: 115,000
Alex Melby: 52,000
Mikael Andersson: 35,000
Richard Kellett: 60,000
Adnan Alshamah: 100,000
Rory McHugh: 10,000

Table 4

Mike Moore: 57,000
Chris Ferguson: 35,000
Raymond Rahme: 68,500
Matthias de Meulder: 41,000
James Tomlin: 70,000
John Buttifant: 15,000
David Stucke: 132,000
Said Englund: 53,000

Tags: Poker News, Dinner, break, is, over, and, some, interesting, updates, to, report, on