Liv shows style but commentator bears teeth

Liv shows style but commentator bears teeth

Friday, 20 August 2010

Liv Boree loses pot to Jesse but then goes on to knock out other opponent.

Liv Boree found herself invovled in two key pots in sucession. She began by raising from under the gun into Jesse May's big blind. The two and a half times raise , to 500 , did not deter the commentator from calling. The flop produced two 6's and a 7 , with two diamonds, Jesse checked , Liv bet and Jesse came over the top , almost tripling her 600 bet. He gave her a quick flash of a smile as she folded. In the very next hand Liv re-raised a bet of 400 from mid position to 1,200. The player tanked , then pushed all in for 6,000 , which Liv instantly called. Her KK hit trips on the flop , the opponent's 99 hitting a redudant set on the river. A pot of just over 12,000 for Liv , giving her a toal of 26,000 , well above the current average of sixteen thousand.

Tags: Poker News, Liv, shows, style, but, commentator, bears, teeth