Heads-up for the UKIPT Champion of Champions title!

Heads-up for the UKIPT Champion of Champions title!

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Shamefully, I can't tell you what happened. I was writing up the story of the last elimination and then I came back and Femi was no more -I told you the action was fast here!

So I asked a pretty lady on the rail: "Oh, the hand that knocked Femi out? Er... Robert Pattinson had 8-7..." I assume she meant Burland, who does bare a passing resemblence to the emasculated creature of the night. "... and the flop was jack, six, five... er, seven... well, he made a straight anyway."

Never ask a woman about poker. OK, sorry Liv Boeree and Vicky Coren, you know I'm joking and yes you could beat me seven shades of purple heads-up. Anyway, speaking of heads-up...

Tags: Poker News, Heads-up, for, the, UKIPT, Champion, of, Champions, title!