UKIPT Final Table - Hirsuit Hampshire Hero

UKIPT Final Table - Hirsuit Hampshire Hero

Sunday, 14 February 2010

Lost some fingers

Chris Brammer's headphones seem to be getting chunkier every day, and as a
musical reference, he looks like the bassist from Biffy Clyro. Either way,
he's just 280k to Mike Hill...

Pre-flop shenanigans brought a Jh8c3d flop and a 55k bet from Brammer, with
Hill min-raising him to 110k. The 9 of spades saw our hirsuit Hampshire hero
lead for 140k, only for Mike to launch for his remaining 500k. Fold.

More action to follow.

Tags: Poker News, UKIPT, Final, Table, -, Hirsuit, Hampshire, Hero