Two Plus Two forums hacked, account details compromised

Two Plus Two forums hacked, account details compromised

Friday, 27 April 2012

Last night it was announced by Two Plus Two that their forums, the largest English-language poker community, had been targeted and compromised by a hacker. They also said that he has given indication that he can access e-mail addresses and can decrypt passwords:

“While it is unclear the extent of data to which he gained access, e-mail addresses and passwords on the Two Plus Two forums should be considered compromised,” a message on the forums read. “If you have used your 2+2 password on any other site, you are advised to change it. For your security we are closing the forums until the breach is patched.”

Two Plus Two moderator and poker journalist and security expert, NoahSD, published a guide for users – if you use your Two Plus Two password elsewhere, especially with your e-mail address, you should change it immediately.

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Tags: Two Plus Two