Strip poker inspired performance art at New York gallery

Strip poker inspired performance art at New York gallery

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

The game of poker has provided inspiration for artists from Cezanne to CM Coolidge but few can have taken the source material to such extreme lengths as Zefrey Throwell whose new work features a game of strip poker in a shop window.

Entitled, I’ll Raise You One, the performance piece features a revolving cast of 48 participants taking part in a week-long game of strip poker in the window of the Art In General Gallery in Manhattan.

'I asked people to come in clothes and play strip poker but I didn't specify how many layers they were to wear,’ Throwell told the NY Post. 'Some people came looking like the Michelin man and some people in t-shirt and jeans. But everyone is expected to play by the same rules even though it's unfair how much you start with.'

Given the crowds who have visited the project, it appears to have been a big hit, even offering a commentary on the current economic situation. One player described the work as ‘an inherent comment on capitalism’ that highlights the economic inequalities of the American system. No, we’re not sure either.

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Tags: Strip poker, art, New York