Russian poker player voted into political office

Russian poker player voted into political office

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Russian poker figure Max Katz has won a seat on Moscow’s Shchukino municipal council, after funding his campaign with poker profits.

In an interview with Rossiyskaya Gazeta for the Daily Telegraph, he said, “I want to become mayor in a small Russian town when I am 35, and test my urban development plans. Everyone told me I should make the same promises other politicians were making, that I would vow to punish corrupt politicians, reduce the costs of gas and water, and so on. But I chose to be honest.”

Despite $155k in live tournament earnings, the 27-year-old Katz is best known for his staking, having purchased a large amount of action in live tournaments – successfully – over the past years.

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Tags: Russia, Max Katz, staking