Poker on Radio 4!

Poker on Radio 4!

Saturday, 2 April 2011

Poker can be spotted in all sorts of weird and wonderful places these days and one such location was that bastion of middle class values, BBC Radio 4, which this week featured a programme on The Poker Channel.

The episode was part of a series called The Narrowcasters about specialist TV stations broadcasting in the UK and featured interviews with a pre Macau and Aussie Millions Sam Trickett, and Vicky Coren who was as erudite and entertaining as ever.

The programme also looked at the growth of TV poker and the development of the game on the back of it as well as giving listeners a peek behind the scenes at The Poker Channel.

Readers in the UK can listen to the programme via the BBC iPlayer until Tuesday.

Watch out for exciting Poker Channel news in the near future as Bluff Europe will soon be broadcasting its very own shown on Sky Channel 166. Watch this space!

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Tags: Sam Trickett, Vicky Coren, Poker Channel