Poker is Too Tough for You

Poker is Too Tough for You

Thursday, 10 January 2013

Poker is too complex for your brain to handle: that’s the conclusion of University researchers studying human’s capacity to remain rational in the faces of multiple options.

According to Dr Tobias Galla from the University of Manchester and Professor Doyne Farmer from Oxford University, the myriad of variables in poker make it difficult for us to comprehend the full nuances of the game.

After studying participants on their functioning whilst playing simple games with limited options, such as noughts and crosses, the researchers found that the brain was capable of performing such tasks effectively.

However, once the number of options was increased, in games such as poker and chess, the brain began to lose its capacity for "rationality".

A summary of the study was published by Manchester University and it stated that when rational thinking leaves us it leads to "chaotic and, at times, random decision-making stemming from confusion".

The research is being used to assess the effectiveness of equilibrium theory in financial trading; however, the implications also seem to have implications for game theory proponents and poker players.

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Tags: Theory