New Poker After Dark cash game features $200k pot in episode one (spoilers inside)

New Poker After Dark cash game features $200k pot in episode one (spoilers inside)

Thursday, 10 February 2011

While people are disappointed at the lack of Full Tilt players on High Stakes Poker, a PokerStars-sponsored show; Poker After Dark – sponsored by Full Tilt – has been showing a load more cash game action recently. Swings and roundabouts... and $200,000 pots.

The first episode of the televised cash game on NBC features a $216,000 pot as David Peat and Eli Elezra go at it just half an hour after play began in the $300/$600 game. Each player – Peat, Olivier Busquet, Elezra, Greg Mueller, Phil Laak and Howard Lederer – sat down with $150,000.

On a A-T-9 flop, Viffer bet $15,000 with Q-J and Elezra called with Ad-8d, turning a backdoor flush draw when the three of diamonds hit the turn. He checked and Peat bet $51,000 before Elezra moved all in. Viffer had a weaker flush draw and called to create a $216,000 pot.

The two agreed to run it twice and the first card was a diamond, giving Elezra the nut flush and $108,000. Peat then hit his straight on the second river to split the pot with Elezra.

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Tags: Poker News, New, Poker, After, Dark, cash, game, features, $200k, pot, in, episode, one, (spoilers, inside)