Mateos Heads WSOPE Main Event Final Table

Mateos Heads WSOPE Main Event Final Table

Thursday, 24 October 2013

The final table at the 2013 World Series of Poker Europe Main Event has been set with Adrian Mateos heading the charge for the bracelet and the €1m first prize. The Spaniard will return on Friday with a stack of 3,781,00, good for a lead of over 1.4m over closest rival Dominik Nitschefrom Germany (1,354,000).

Frenchman Fabrice Soulier (1,871,000) lies in third followed closely by high stakes reg Benny Spindler (1,748,000). There's then a gap to the only non-European at the final table, America's Ravi Raghavan who'll return with 898,000. Rounding out the final six is Jerome Huge whose short stack of 637,000 is still good enough for 31 big blinds.

Organisers hoped to have the 24 day 3 starters whittled down to eight by the end of six levels but such was the rapid fire nature of play that it took just over four levels to reach that number. It was decided that play would continue until six remained and Adrian Mateos had reason to be glad for that decision. This year's Estrellas Poker Tour Madrid winner was on the right end of a massive cooller with Shannon Shorr. The pair got into a raising war until Shorr five-bet all in. The Spaniard made the call with pocket aces which left the American's pocket kings in a massive hole. The board helped neither player, sending Shorr to the rail in eighth with €77,500 and Mateos rocketing to the head of the chip counts.

The Spaniard further consolidadated his lead with the elimination of Andrei Konopelko soon after. Facing a raise that put him all in, the Belarussian made a brave call on a AhJh10c2h5s board holding Jd9h. Unfortunately for Konopelko, Mateos tabled Ad2c for two pair which gave him another big chunk of change and put him in pole position for the final table.

Long time chip leader Ludovic Lacay was the first man to hit the rail on the penultimate day. Joining him there later were the likes of Brit Mark Teltscher (19th), this year's PLO bracelet winner Jeremy Ausmus (17th) and Daniel Steinberg (9th).

The final six will get the chance to enjoy some well deserved R&R tomorrow before resuming battle on Friday lunchtime.

The chip counts of the final six are as follows:
1. Adrian Mateos – 3,781,000
2. Dominik Nitsche – 2,354,000
3. Fabrice Soulier – 1,871,000
4. Benny Spindler – 1,748,000
5. Ravi Raghavan – 898,000
6. Jerome Huge – 637,000

Tags: WSOPE 2013 Main Event, Adrian Mateos, Dominik Nitsche, Fabrice Soulier, Benny Spindler, Ravi Raghavan, Jerome Huge, Shannon Shorr