Lederer pulls out Diamond Flush Interview

Lederer pulls out Diamond Flush Interview

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Players hoping for another instalment on the Howard Lederer saga were left disappointed over the weekend as the Full Tilt insider bailed on an interview with poker blogger Diamond Flush.

Lederer told the pseudonymous blogger that the whole interview process (with PokerNews and 2+2) had been "much harder on he and his family than he expected", so he decided to cancel.

"If Howard Lederer thought those prior interview hours were too stressful and hard on his family, he was right to cancel ours,” said Diamond Flush. “I have no doubt that “stressful” would have been considered a huge understatement in the end".

The industry blogger said that she had spent many hours speaking to Howard in the run-up to the interview, and will be offering her own take on the Full Tilt fiasco. The series of articles are set to contain some of the questions she would have asked in the interview, what she believes Howard would have said, and what the truth really is.

The first in "The Distortion of Truth in the Lederer Files" series was released late last night.

Tags: Howard Lederer, Diamond Flush