Jerry Yang The Movie?

Jerry Yang The Movie?

Friday, 24 February 2012

No, you've not accidentally logged on to Empire. Yes, we have news of another potential poker movie, this one a biopic of … Jerry Yang.

In an interview on Short Stacked Radio on Wednesday, the 2007 World Champion told interviewer Mark Hoke that his autobiography, All In, could be set for the big screen.

"I’m very excited and I’m praying, I’m really praying right now,” said Yang, “We have a scheduled meeting already. My father and I will fly out and meet with this particular (film) company. This is my third meeting with them by the way, so hopefully we’ll be able to put something together that is agreeable with both sides.”

Yang's autobiography, All In, traces his family's journey from a Thai refugee camp to America and the subsequent success he enjoyed at the poker tables.

Tags: Jerry Yang, movies