Gus Gone from UKIPT Galway Main Event

Gus Gone from UKIPT Galway Main Event

Friday, 9 August 2013

The opening day of the €1 million Full Tilt Poker UKIPT Galway Main Event kicked off yesterday and while the number of runners may have been somewhat short of that expected, the field was still awash with talented pros.

Indeed, in the early offing the likes of Gus Hansen, Liv Boeree and Martins Adeniya were all on display. However, as the day wore on none of the above named trio could keep hold of their stacks and make it through to the second session.

Liv was the last of the trio to exit the tournament area when her mistimed 4-bet all-in with A-T was called by Kieran Furey holding A-J. A failure to improve on the flop, turn or river put an end to Liv’s time in the Galway spotlight for another year at least.

One player who did enjoy the pleasant surroundings of the specially constructed poker village was Alan Gold. Having qualified for the event at Full Tilt, the British grinder managed to parlay his good fortune into a table-topping stack worth 272,700 chips.

That haul was enough to put him on top of the remaining 74 players, which included the likes of Paul Delaney (103,000), Max Silver (91,700), Jason O’Toole (77,200) and Keith Hawkins (63,100).

Today’s second starting session is expected to attract more than the 231 who anted-up yesterday. Indeed, amongst the pros slated to join the action later will be Viktor “Isildur1” Blom, Jake Cody, Dave “Devilfish” Ulliot and recent UKIPT Galway High Roller champion Sergio Aido.

Tags: UKIPT Galway, Alan Gold, Gus Hansen, Liv Boeree, Martins Adeniya