Epic Poker League puts David Rheem on probation

Epic Poker League puts David Rheem on probation

Monday, 22 August 2011

As we previously reported, Davis 'Chino' Rheem was allegedly being chased by several well-known figures in the poker community including Ben Lamb, Joseph Cheong and Erik Cajelais regarding unpaid debts.

After recently winning the six-max no-limit event in the inagural season of the Epic Poker League (EPL) for one million dollars, Rheem apparently only took home $120,000 after factoring in his debts.

It was largely rumoured that Guy LaLiberte was Rheem’s backer for the EPL event and that he received 70 percent with the One Drop foundation receiving another ten percent.

The EPL's Standards And Conduct Committee has now released a statement outlining what many have referred to as 'Rheemgate'. It revealed that 'any personal conduct... prior to the League’s formation would not affect initial eligibility of members' but has made it clear that it will 'enforce discipline against any League member who violated... the Players’ Code Of Conduct or the law'.

"As a result of ongoing personal financial obligations incurred prior to the League's formation but impacting the League during the inaugural Epic Poker League main event, the Committee has voted to place David 'Chino' Rheem on probation in order to effectively monitor the personal conduct of Mr Rheem as he works to meet his personal financial obligations as required under the Players' Code Of Conduct," read the statement from the Standards And Conduct Committee.

"Under the integrity and honor principles of the Player's Code, meeting 'financial responsibilities on time and honoring contractual agreements' is required to maintain eligibility. In reaching its decision, the Committee recognised that Mr Rheem used best efforts and all of the proceeds he personally received from winning the inaugural Epic Poker League main event to partially satisfy outstanding financial obligations."

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Tags: David Rheem, Epic Poker League