English Deepstack begins today in Birmingham

English Deepstack begins today in Birmingham

Thursday, 15 September 2011

Birmingham’s Broadway Casino is playing host to the English Deepstack Poker Championship, which begins today with the first of two flights of the £550 Main Event. The venue is really delivering on the promise of a deep stack.

Players will start off with 50,000 chips and blinds will be 25/50 with sixty minute levels, extended to ninety. In addition to the four-day Main Event, there are also two side events – a 2-day £300 event and a £200 single day event.

The first English Deepstack Poker Championship was played at Luton – Amy Trodd won the event for £25,000 after beating a 188-strong field including some of UK poker’s best players. This year you can watch all the action on a live stream thanks to D4 events:

Watch live streaming video from d4eventstv at livestream.com

Tags: English Deepstack Poker Championship, Broadway Casino, Birmingham, Amy Trodd