English Deepstack Poker Championship starts today

English Deepstack Poker Championship starts today

Thursday, 3 March 2011

Poker players who like their starting stacks deep and their clock long (try saying that after a few beers) will be heading to the G Casino in Luton this weekend for the inaugural £550 English Deepstack Poker Championship which gets under way this lunchtime.

The first of two opening day flights starts at 1pm today with a second starting at the same time tomorrow. The field for both is capped at 200 runners with everyone starting with 50,000 chips on a one hour clock.

In addition to the £550 Main Event there is also a two-day £300 side event starting at 8pm on Saturday (15,000 chips and a 40-minute clock) and a one-day £200 event starting at 2pm on Sunday (10,000 chips, 30 minute clock).

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Tags: Poker News, English, Deepstack, Poker, Championship, starts, today