English Deepstack Poker Championship announced

English Deepstack Poker Championship announced

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Players who like their starting stacks deeps and their clock long (try saying that after a few beers) will be heading to Birmingham for the English Deepstack Poker Championship which will be held at the city's Broadway Casino this September.

Three events are scheduled with top billing going to the £500+£50 Main Event which will feature starting stacks of 50,000 chips and a 1 hour clock. 198 players took part in last year's inaugural event in Luton and organisers are expecting a much bigger field this time around with two opening flights scheduled.

The full line up is as follows:

14th Sept 8pm £55 Super Satellite - Rebuy
15th Sept 1pm £550 Main Event Day 1A 50k Chips, 1 Hr Clock
16th Sept 1pm £550 Main Event Day 1B 50k Chips, 1 Hr Clock
17th Sept 8pm £300 Side Event (2 Day) 15k Chips, 40 min clock
18th Sept 2pm £200 Side Event (1 Day) 10k Chips, 30 min clock

Live satellites are already up and running at the Broadway.

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Tags: English Deepstack Poker Championship, Birmingham, Broadway Casino