EPT London Main Event final table begins very soon

EPT London Main Event final table begins very soon

Monday, 4 October 2010

Hectic journey here, readers - tube strikes; Edgeware Road station being closed; the last time I was in this area I was very drunk and distracted by a buxom Scandinavian woman. All these factors meant that actually finding the unmissable Hilton building was challenging.

Here now, though, and thankfully because it's a live televised tournament there's a lot of preparation so I'm not as late as the EPT staff. In all seriousness, though, it looks amazing - The Hilton Metropole itself is a very nice hotel (albiet with too many stairs) and I'm sure riff-raff such as myself aren't often allowed in.

Nevertheless, here I am. The main stage for the televised final table looks incredible with the table itself beneath a weird bean-shaped trippy light thing (them's writing skills, there) on an illuminated stage surrounded by the black curtains bearing the EPT logo. Paris has done a great job.

That's how Hilton hotels work, right? Paris Hilton sets everything up? This is my understanding.

Come back in a few minutes for a full breakdown of players and stacks of the Main Event final table and indeed throughout the day as we reduce the eight remaining players to one EPT London champion!

Tags: Poker News, EPT, London, Main, Event, final, table, begins, very, soon