EPT Deauville final table set; Jacobson leads

EPT Deauville final table set; Jacobson leads

Monday, 31 January 2011

After five days of play the final eight players at EPT Deauville are decided with Martin Jacobson holding the chip lead at the final table. He flopped a fortuitous set when facing an overpair and the money went in on the flop in a 6m pot.

Jacobson raised to 110,000 on the button and was re-raised by big blind Laurent Polito. Jacobson called and then bet out on a 7-8-J flop, immediately calling Polito’s shove with Q-Q. Jacobson held 7-7 and avoided the outs, making a full house on the river to a fistpump and “YES!!” Not from him, but from shortstack Kaspars Renga who had secured his final table spot.

Swedish player Jacobson managed to build up his lead before the table and is now ahead of Alex Wice for the chip lead; his 7.28m eclipsing Wice’s 6.25m to put them both way ahead of the field. The final table plays out today with the winner taking home a tasty €880,000.

The final table chip counts are as follows:
1.Martin Jacobson 7,280,000
2.Alex Wice 6,248,000
3.Kenny Hallaert 3,599,000
4.Julien Claudepierre 3,244,000
5.Lucien Cohen 3,085,000
6.Anthony Hnatow 1,644,000
7.Ruslan Prydryk 1,154,000
8.Kaspars Renga 470,000

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Tags: Poker News, EPT, Deauville, final, table, set;, Jacobson, leads