Baller Strip Poker Championship just days away

Baller Strip Poker Championship just days away

Friday, 17 September 2010

Poker and pretty girls all in the aid of a very worthy cause. Sounds like the recipe for a great night out doesn't it? And that's exactly what on offer at the Baller Strip Poker Championship which takes place at the legendary Stringfellows nightclub from 7pm this Tuesday night.

Each poker player will be assigned a Stringfellows dancer who will be undressing on their behalf as Baller Strip Poker rules dictate the players shall have their modesty preserved (and given the physique of the average poker player that can only be a good thing). A portion of the money raised at the event will go to support cancer awareness charities.

If you fancy getting in on the action then a limited number of tickets priced at £200 are still available by calling 0207 240 5534.

A full list of competition rules can be found at

Tags: Poker News, Baller, Strip, Poker, Championship, just, days, away