Alessio Isaia wins WPT Venice

Alessio Isaia wins WPT Venice

Wednesday, 9 February 2011

There are very rare occasions when the hoary old cliché 'it's a marathon, not a sprint' is appropriate and Alessio Isaia's WPT Venice victory was a case in point.

A rapid fire start to the final day saw a succession of eliminations and once David Vamplew's bowed out in third place at 6.30pm it looked like the rail would have the evening to sample the delights of Venice.

The last pair of Alessio Isaia and Hungary's Szabolcs Mayer had other ideas though and proceeded to offer up the longest heads up match in World Poker Tour history lasting an amazing 8 hours and 20 minutes. Mayer held an almost six to one chip lead at the start of two-handed play but Isaia quickly doubled up when his pocket 6s beat the Hungarian's pocket 4s. The Italian then went on a real heater, dominating play and taking the chip lead. It was then Mayer's turn to double up, winning a flip with sixes against Isaia's A10. Isaia double up again after his top pair dodged an open ended straight draw and took the advantage for good when his sevens outran Mayer's AJ.

The end eventually came as the clock approached 3am with Mayer's Qc6c push called by Isaia's AhQd. The board provided no help giving Alessio Isaia the title and with it the first prize of €380,000.

"I'm very happy. I've been trying to win a big tournament for three or four years.I came close in the EPT, but I never achieved it.” said the winner, adding, "I'm even more happy to win it in Italy, my home country. I'm very very tired. We played for eight hours heads-up, which was exhausting. Mayer is a very good opponent.” And as for the future, “The money will enable me to play other tournaments, but I'm more happy with the title and the bracelet."

The final table positions and payouts were as follows:

1. Alessio Isaia €380,000
2. Szabolcs Mayer €228,990
3. David Vamplew €149,910
4. Emmanuel Rodrigues €101,960
5. Adrien Camille Garrigues €73,180
6. Luca Fiorini €57,830
7. Max Lykov €43,370
8. Renato Paolini €31,960

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Tags: Poker News, Alessio, Isaia, wins, WPT, Venice