2+2 Forums Return After Long Hiatus

2+2 Forums Return After Long Hiatus

Monday, 14 May 2012

The 2+2 forums have finally returned as predicted after May 12, with many poker enthusiasts doubtless sighing in relief as they can now get their fix of poker gossip and strategy. Users must reset their passwords before they can log in.

At the end of April, 2+2 came under attack by a computer hacker and it was believed that he was able to decrypt data including passwords. As a precautionary measure, 2+2 was shut down until the problem could be resolved.

As many players share passwords across the Internet, including for their e-mail address and poker room accounts, this was certainly cause for concern. 2+2 mod and former Subject: Poker chief NoahSD produced a guide for people concerned about their password security.

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Tags: 2+2, online poker