‘Poker Princess’ to lift lid on Hollywood poker games?

‘Poker Princess’ to lift lid on Hollywood poker games?

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Molly Bloom, organiser of high stakes Hollywood poker games involving some of America’s most famous actors and sports stars, has signed a book deal according to a report from the Associated Press.

Publisher It Books said that the as yet untitled tome will ‘take readers inside the poker matches that Bloom ran in New York, Los Angeles, Miami and Las Vegas "until it all came crashing down around her."’

Bloom was one of 22 people who faced legal action for her involvement in high-stakes poker games involving fraudster Bradley Ruderman. The hedge fund manager reportedly lost millions of dollars of investors' cash in the twice-weekly games held at luxury Beverly Hills hotels.

Ruderman is currently serving a 10-year prison sentence for running an alleged Ponzi scheme that lost investors $25 million. A group of those investors tried to recoup the money scammed in the Ponzi scheme that was then used in the high stakes Hollywood poker games, a figure estimated at over $5m.

A group of 22 players, including actors Tobey Maguire and Nick Cassavettes and High Stakes Poker commentator Gabe Kaplan, subsequently settled out of court for a total of $1.75m.

Tags: Molly Bloom, Hollywood, Tobey Maguire, Nick Cassavettes